Current Members
İsmail Eğler (co-founder)
1983, Istanbul, Turkey
Graduated from Yıldız Technical University Interactive Media Design Programme, he has worked with variety of media such as photography, video and graphic design. He started his post-graduate studies in FH Joanneum, Media Programme (Graz, Austria) in 2010. Eğler works on exhibition modes and distinct forms of spatial narratives. Mostly he works with time based forms of media such as lights, video, sound within a given specific site. He currently lives and works in İstanbul.
Cansu Sözer
1994, Zonguldak, Turkey
Recently graduating with a master’s degree in architecture, Cansu completed a thesis entitled “Understanding the Human Condition in the 21st Century through Body and Space”. It highlights the impact of capitalism and neoliberalism on both space and the body. Moreover, it centers on the artistic responses to these conditions, unrestrained by the conventional boundaries of architecture.
Since mid-summer, Cansu has been an active member of Yoğunluk, contributing to ongoing research projects in collaboration with İsmail.
Former Members and Contributors
Nil Aynalı (co-founder), Elif Tekir (co-founder), Nezih Vargeloğlu (co-founder), Sergen Tertemiz, Buşra Tunç, Onur Tekir, Duygu Saygı, Büşra Hamzaoğlu, Özgül Akıncı, Zinnure Türe, Ozan Gürsoy, Celaleddin Çelik, Edanur Köşeli, Pasin Kadıoğlu, Görkem Elbir, Gamze Arlı, Rana Güzeldir, Furkan Türkyılmaz, Dilruba Atakul, Yasin Altıparmak, Görkem Özdemir, Behiye Yılmaz, Ezgi Umut Türkoğlu, İlayda Keskinaslan, Ozan Keşmer, Sidar Torunlu.